Loading [MathJax]/extensions/MathMenu.js

Monday, 31 January 2022

Updating from .NET Core 3.2 to .NET 6.0

With a couple of projects on .NET Core 3.2 I thought I would update to .NET 6.0. This was pretty simple!

First, update the TargetFramework in the project references to net6.0:

Next, I took the opportunity to update NuGet references to the latest versions. I also cleared the NuGet cache with:
     dotnet nuget locals --clear all

At this point Visual Studio 22 Intellisense started warning that references were missing, although the code compiled properly and the Test Runner couldn't fine any of the tests. To resolve this I deleted the .vs folder and restarted.

In the SuperMarketPlanner XAML application, to fix a new compiler warning, I changed the Project SDK in the csproj from
    Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk.WindowsDesktop"
    Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk"

Finally, in the Azure Pipeline yaml I had to update the SDK to the following:

- task: UseDotNet@2
displayName: 'Install .NET Core 6.0.x SDK'
version: 6.0.x
performMultiLevelLookup: true

Saturday, 22 January 2022

Running ZEUS Analysis Code

Although I built CERNLib a long time ago, apart from running PAW and looking at some old Ntuples I didn't get round to building my old ZEUS analysis code.

Setup the Environment

CERNLib is available as a package on Ubuntu.  However I've seen issues around running this on 64bit Linux. So for practicality I decided to setup a 32bit Linux VM. As noted before I opted for Linux Mint on VirtualBox. I picked the 32bit version of Mint 19.3 Tricia. 

Code Changes

So the Fortran compiler has moved on a bit since October 2000 which was the last time I ran this code. I needed to make a few changes to successfully compile my source. Fortunately nothing too significant was required.

.EQ. to .EQV.

I was using .EQ. for logical comparison of a LOGICAL variable, for example:
However this should be .EQV. :

Using 1 and 0 for True and False

Related to the above, a compiler error was thrown when using .eq. and 1 or 0 to represent true or false

tltcut = 0
... Change tltcut to 1 if the condition is met
if (tltcut.eq.1) then

Fix was to change the condition to:
        if (tltcut) then


At the time Bristol University were trying out Visual Fortran (DEC now Intel Visual Fortran) . We used this library in a Math error handler routine. DFLIB has quite a history but the upshot is it's only supported on Windows. I just took out the routine using it!


Using Visual Fortran the build and linker was controlled by a. To build using gfortran in Linux I had to create a Makefile. This is an art in itself! The main issue I had to overcome was linking the CERNLIB libraries. The required libraries below, mathlib, packlib and kernlib were available to the linker with the standard path. pdflib however was in a separate folder that needed including with the -L flag. Some looking around to find the correct name was required, in the end I needed pdflib804.

-L /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu -lmathlib -lpacklib -lkernlib -lpdflib804

.inc Files

Include files in Fortran are inserted into the source program. This is useful if you have a common block that you don't want to write over and over, for example defining variables. 

c -------------------------------------------------
c Local definitions for F2/ISR analysis
c -------------------------------------------------
c Kinematical variables
c -------------------------------------------------
real empzcal, empztot, y_el, y_sig, y_elcorr, corrected_en,
& best_th, Q2_el, x_el, bestx, besty, bestz, electron_en,
& electron_th, logyel, logxel, logq2elc, logysig, logq2el,
& logmcq2, logmcx, logmcy, elumie, elumig, q2corr,
& zempzhad, zy_jb, ccy_jb, zy_jbcorr,
& logyjbz, best_th2, gamma,gamma2,z,logmcy2
view raw common.inc hosted with ❤ by GitHub

This was referenced in the source files with :
        #include "common.inc"

Incidentally, the # indicated the file was processed by a C preprocessor rather than the standard Fortran include.

My inc files were mixed in with the Fortran source files. The compiler didn't like this so I updated the folder structure to use separate src/inc/exe folders. Funnily enough this reflected the original folder structure when I ran the code on Unix boxes before we switched to Visual Fortran. The circle is complete!

How to run the Analysis code

This took a bit of remembering. The code was driven by a number of input files. 
  • Steering cards. This contains a list of cuts made to select the events. Different cards would define different cuts and therefore allow me to analyse systematic errors
  • File listing input Data .rz ntuples
  • File listing input Background .rz ntuples
  • File listing input MonteCarlo .rz ntuples
Of course, naming convention wasn't particularly useful, for a run on 1997 data there would be:
  • stc97_n for the steering cards
  • fort.45 for the Data file list
  • fort.46 for the Background file list
  • fort.47 for the MonteCarlo file list

I should make clear at this point that the files I'm running against are not the "raw" ZEUS datafiles. A preliminary job was run against the full set of data on tape to load a cutdown set of data that passed some loose cuts and create an ntuple with the necessary fields for this particular analysis. My ntuples were saved after this first step.


I ran the code against a single 1997 data, background and MonteCarlo ntuple.

This created, amongst some other files, an israll97.hbook file. By opening PAW and entering hi/file 1 israll.hbook I was able to load this. hi/li listed the available histograms, this looked about right and when I opened one of them with hi/pl 105 success! I had created a histogram of the E-Pz (Total Energy - Momentum in the z, or beampipe direction) from my saved data files. I used this originally to help select the population of events to use in my analysis.

I've put the code up on GitHub:

The README.md describes the list of input and output files.

Next steps...
  • Run the PAW macro (kumac) files I used after this analysis step and add to GitHub.
  • Run against the full data set. I want to see how quickly this runs on current hardware. To run the full 96/97 data set against all steering cards would take about 20 hours!
  • Create a GitHub release to include sample .rz files. Hopefully to allow anyone to run this!
  • Try and build the 64bit version of CERNLIB so I don't have to run on a 32bit VM.

Wednesday, 12 January 2022

Adding Azure Pipeline status to GitHub README.md

I noticed in some GitHub projects a build status badge in the README.md display. As I have Azure Pipeline builds setup for two of my projects, CSVComparer and SuperMarketPlanner, I thought it would a good idea to add this.

Handily, there is a REST API interface available for the Azure Pipeline build!

The link for the badge is of the form:


For CSVComparer that's: 


Then I can add a hyperlink to the badge to navigate to the latest build page when clicked. This is of the form:


Again, for CSVComparer that's: 


The definitionId is the ID of the Pipeline assigned by Azure. You can find this by navigating through to the Pipeline page via https://dev.azure.com/{Organisation}/

(Useful link for the official docs here : Azure Pipelines documentation | Microsoft Docs)

Finally, to put it all together add this to the README.md file:

[![Build Status](https://dev.azure.com/jonathanscott80/CSVComparer/_apis/build/status/jscott7.CSVComparer)](https://dev.azure.com/jonathanscott80/CSVComparer/_build/latest?definitionId=2)

Here is what it looks like:

And clicking on the badge takes us here: