Updated 28/4/1016 with additional link and clarification
Analysis of the data from the ZEUS experiment was performed using Fortran programs. These used the CERNLIB software libraries and data was stored in structures known as Ntuples.
I used Column-wise Ntuples, which are saved in a binary format. So when at the end of my Ph.D. analysis, I saved the old Ntuples to 11 CDs these became largely useless immediately I left Physics.
The Digital dark age therefore came to me sooner than I anticipated.
Fortunately with the source being made freely available and the necessary compilers being included in gcc I thought I'd have a try at building these on my Linux laptop.
At the time of this exercise I was running version 11.10 of Ubuntu.
Here are the steps I took, based on instructions from this page. One major issue I had with Lubuntu was that many of the dependency packages were not installed and I had to discover and apt-get them all. For this reason it's better not to try this on a cut down Linux.
Install gfortran (this is part of gcc, I have version 4.6.3)
Copy and unpack the CERNLIB binaries
Because I had a cut down Linux, I needed to build LessTif
Get xutils-dev package for imake
Set up the build environmentcd to the cern folder
~$ export CERN_ROOT=CERN_PATH/VERSION~ export CVSCOSRC=CERN_ROOT/src~ mkdir CERN_ROOT/build~ cd CERN_ROOT/build~ export PATH=CERN_ROOT/bin;$PATH
Update $CVSCOSRC/config/linuc.cf This file has some operating system specific information, I changed the following
#define hasgfortran
Change CcCmd to gcc
Check #define X11Includes
This needs to point to the location of the X Window headers, these can be installed usingsudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-dev
Run $CVSCOSRC/config/imake_boot to create the Makefile from the imake files
Run gmake bin/kuipc to build kuipc – this is built to /cern/new/bin
Add kuipc to path because this is required for the next build
Run gmake
A couple of other tips
link gmake to make using sudo ln -s /usr/bin/make /usr/bin/gmakeProblems and errors
There were a couple of errors in the main build that needed fixing:
Conflicting types
for _XmDrawShadow /usr/local/include/xm/DrawP/h Previous declaration
is obsolete
Fix: Remove
_XmDrawShadow(); from iconwidget.c
L_cuserid undeclared.
Fix: It
should be in <stdio.h> but add #define L_cuserid 9 in the file
Finally, Liblapack3.a is required for PawX11
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