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Monday, 3 June 2019

Loading old Physics Data Files - Part 2

Previously, my attempt at running a FORTRAN program to load my old ZEUS data ntuples failed because CERNLIB isn't compatible with a 64-bit Linux OS:

 Test loading ntuple files
LOCB/LOCF: address 0x562cca6e2c80 exceeds the 32 bit address space
or is not in the data segments
This may result in program crash or incorrect results
Therefore we will stop here
Unfortunately, the recommendation in  /usr/share/doc/libpacklib1-dev/README.64-bit to statically link didn't work for me:

Static linking is the default behavior if you use the "cernlib" script when
linking, like this:

 # Should work everywhere:
 gfortran -o myprogram myprogram.F `cernlib -G Motif pawlib` 
Fortunately, Linux Mint still provides a 32-bit version of the latest OS. So, at this point rather than trying to fix it in 64-bit I thought the best approach would be to setup a Virtual Machine.

For the VM host, I decided to use VirtualBox. This is easy to install on Ubuntu from the Software Center.

After downloading the 32-bit Linux Mint ISO I setup a new VM with 4MB of Memory and Dynamically Allocated Storage with 70GB Virtual Size.

After installing Mint, I reinstalled the CERNLIB packages from the Mint Software Manager and loaded up the ntuple in PAW as per my last post

Now, given this was working I could try and load the file using my FORTRAN program:

      program main

      implicit none
      integer istat, NEvents, idnt
      real hmem

      print *, "Test loading ntuple files"
      call hlimit(2000000)  
      call hropen(80,'ntuple','mc97_1.rz','',4096,istat)
      if (istat.ne.0) then
          print *, "Failed to open input file"

      print *, "Loaded mc96_1.rz"
      call hrin(10, 9999999, 0) 
      call hnoent(10,NEvents)
      print *, NEvents
c      print *, idnt    

      call hrend('ntuple')

      end program main

And this time, success!

 Test loading ntuple files
 Loaded mc96_1.rz

There's a few points to bear in mind:
  • common/pawc/hmem(2000000) is required to reserve locations to a common /PAWC/, for the HBOOK working space (an array)
  • call hlimit(2000000) informs HBOOK of the storage limit
  • call hropen opens the direct access rz file
  • call hrin(10, 9999999, 0) reads a histogram from the current directory of the direct access file into the current directory in memory. The 9999999 to to read the highest cycle
  • call hnoent Gets the number of events in the in-memory identifier

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