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Wednesday, 12 January 2022

Adding Azure Pipeline status to GitHub README.md

I noticed in some GitHub projects a build status badge in the README.md display. As I have Azure Pipeline builds setup for two of my projects, CSVComparer and SuperMarketPlanner, I thought it would a good idea to add this.

Handily, there is a REST API interface available for the Azure Pipeline build!

The link for the badge is of the form:


For CSVComparer that's: 


Then I can add a hyperlink to the badge to navigate to the latest build page when clicked. This is of the form:


Again, for CSVComparer that's: 


The definitionId is the ID of the Pipeline assigned by Azure. You can find this by navigating through to the Pipeline page via https://dev.azure.com/{Organisation}/

(Useful link for the official docs here : Azure Pipelines documentation | Microsoft Docs)

Finally, to put it all together add this to the README.md file:

[![Build Status](https://dev.azure.com/jonathanscott80/CSVComparer/_apis/build/status/jscott7.CSVComparer)](https://dev.azure.com/jonathanscott80/CSVComparer/_build/latest?definitionId=2)

Here is what it looks like:

And clicking on the badge takes us here:

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