So, I've been looking at Quantum Computing recently and as part of this I thought I'd also take the opportunity to learn GitLab by creating a repository with my scripts.
I setup a GitLab account using the free tier and then created a new project, "quantum"
Setting up SSH
To use SSH keys for communication with GitLab, I followed the instructions in the GitLab Docs to create an SSH key and add to my Profile
For Linux my ssh folder is ./ssh. To generate a new key, run
ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -c "A comment"
And follow the prompts for creating a filename and Passphrase
Then from the GitLab page, click on my Profile image (default for now!) and select Edit Profile -> SSH Keys.
In the Key box paste the contents of the .pub public key I created in the previous step. (Starting with ssh-ed25119), set the Title, usage type of "Authentication & Signing" and finally Add Key.
Visual Studio Code Integration
From the Visual Studio Code welcome page I selected Clone Git Repository...
I then used the Clone with SSH option from the Clone button to obtain the git url and simply pasted that into Visual Studio Code
Running the script
I have an Anaconda Python environment with cirq added. Details about this will be added later.
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