Tuesday, 6 December 2022

Where did the disk space go?

I like a good mystery. Like this evening when I saw 130GB space free on my 800GB disk partition with only 280 GB of space being reported as used. Where did all the rest of the disk go?!

First up, I ran WinDirStat as an administrator, no, still reported 280GB. What was going on here?

One cause for this apparent mismatch was System Restore points, which don't appear on Disk Usage reports, so to confirm I went and took a look.

In the search box, type Control Panel and open the Control Panel App:

Open All Control Panel Items > Recovery and select Configure System Restore:

Under the System Protection tab open Configure...

The maximum size for Disk Space Usage was set to the size of the disk and 400GB had already been used...

So, setting the Max Usage back down to 10% and there, I now had a decent amount of free space.

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