It's been a while since I setup a new Raspberry Pi from scratch. My Raspberry Pi 2 was running an old version of Raspbian Jessie which was no longer getting updates. In particular the version of Chromium was old. So I decided to update to the latest version.
It's now called Raspberry Pi OS and after downloading from here I tried to reflash the old SD card.
This is where it got a bit tricky...
First, Windows didn't recognise the SD, to the extent that I couldn't even reformat. I switched to Linux. I used DiskUtil to reformat it. At this point I thought it would be quick to use the Raspberry Pi Image Utility to install the OS but when I tried it failed with: Unspecified Libcurl Error
So back to Windows which was able to open the SD but required another (quick) format and finally I was able to use Etcher to flash the card.
Phew. That was more work than it should have been.
At this point I popped the SD card back in the Raspberry Pi, plugged it into the TV and started up
The process is a bit more streamlined than before. Connecting the Wifi and changing the password is covered by a Wizard.
The Wizard finally asked if I wanted to update the software on the Pi. I answered yes to this but the process ended up crashing. I resorted to the old method of running sudo apt-get update followed by sudo apt-get upgrade from a terminal
Next, from the terminal, enter sudo raspi-config. Select the Advanced Options and Expand Filesystem. This ensures the whole of the SD card is available to the Pi.
In the same tool, enable SSH and VNC. This is because I want to remotely logon to the machine from elsewhere on my network.
The next step was to give the machine a Static IP address on the home network. This just makes things easier for me to manage.
To do this edit /etc/dhcpcd.conf and add the following lines to the bottom, assuming the router IP is and we want to setup our static IP to
interface wlan0
static ip_address=
static routers=
static domain_name_servers=
Oh no this didn't work at all. I rebooted and was still allocated the dynamic IP address from the router. I went round a lot of circles and visited a lot of websites trying to resolve this, including disabling IPV6.
These proved useful:
- ip a : To see your IP Address
- systemctl status dhcpcd.service : To see the status of dhcpcd
But in the end the solution was to open raspi-config and disable Predicable Network Interface Names
I also added noipv6rs after interface wlan0 in dhcpcd.conf but I don't think that is required.
Network Share
Connect to the network share automatically on start up. Add the following to the end of /etc/fstab
//ip.of.nas/Public /home/pi/NAS cifs guest 0 0
The 7 inch touch screen was setup with the following commands
git clone
chmod -R 755 LCD-show
cd LCD-show/
sudo ./LCD5-show
Then reboot. No additional calibration was required
The default chromium is taken from the chromium-browser package. This has special optimisations for the Raspberry Pi but is not updated frequently. However the latest Debian chromium package can be installed which is perfect for my use case.
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