Tuesday, 10 April 2018

The pain of hours long downloads ... failing

I have a TomTom SatNav with which I use the MyDrive Connect Application on Windows 10 to download and update maps.

A Western Europe map comes in at around 3GB but when I attempted to upload this last week the time to complete indicator unfortunately went rapidly up to 12 hours. (This with a 50Mbit broadband connection which was otherwise working perfectly)

So, with that in mind I started investigations. First, the Windows task manager showed the biggest hog of network was Delivery Optimisation Service. Now this was interesting, because I'd already disabled it using the options under:

Settings > Update & security > Windows Update > Advanced options

I've only got one Windows 10 machine so this is a service I don't need. However, there is another instance of the service running using the Microsoft Store. I disabled this by turning off automatic app updates in the Windows Store Settings. Now the downside is I'll have to manually update Store apps so this won't work for everyone. However, given the number of updates pending already, and for some apps I'd never use (Groove Music for example), I'm not too upset. One thing that might be useful though, instead of often vague "What's new in this version", it might also be nice to show exactly what version I've got installed.

Back to the download. This did eventually speed up and ended up taking around 3hours. But when it said complete I got a dreaded no-maps found on my TomTom device, which is an indication the install was corrupted.

For some reason, it came to my mind that the USB cable I'd been using had shown some strange behaviour when I'd been developing with my Android phone so I decided to replace it and try again and, as if by magic, the update completed successfully in minutes.

You never can tell where a bad USB cable takes you.

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